12 George Street, Wolverhampton

12 George Street, Wolverhampton is a grade II listed building in recognition of its architectural and historical importance as part of the UK’s national heritage.  

The area around St John’s Square was part of the late 18th century expansion of Wolverhampton and at the time it was built George Street would have been one of the most desirable addresses in town. St John’s Church was opened for worship in 1760 even though it had not be entirely completed. No 12 George Street was the earliest house within the planned Georgian development that extended from the square surrounding the church linking through to Snow Hill, then the main road to Dudley to the south. The house was built in 1790 by Benjamin Mander who formed the Mander Company with his brother, a japanning business later expanding into paints and inks. 

During the 20th century most of the houses in George Street were converted to office use and considerable alterations were made to many of the houses to accommodate these new uses before they were statutorily listed in 1977.  Many of the old houses around St John’s Square were lost when the ring-road was constructed and much of the area was redeveloped but George Street retained its Georgian character. However towards the end of the 20th century the area around Snow Hill generally fell into decline. No 12 stood vacant for a number of years and the Council were pursuing the owners to make the building weather tight and undertake repairs. The Trust was asked to get involved to try and save the building and in 2004 a group of volunteers from the Trust moved in to the clear the site of debris to allow access for architects to prepare plans. The Trust successfully secured a grant for £252,500 in 2006 from the Heritage Lottery Fund. An additional grant of £92,430 from Wolverhampton City Council enabled the Trust to purchase the building and undertake a full restoration and conversion of the property into 3 luxury flats which were sold in mid 2007.

12 George Street, Wolverhampton

Before restoration in 2004

12 George Street, Wolverhampton

After in 2007

12 George Street, Wolverhampton

Rear view following tidy up by volunteers

12 George Street, Wolverhampton

Rear view in 2007

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